Tag Archive | love

Rise and Shine My Sistah

3 stack of loves

When I woke fully this morning, you were in my spirit. I thank God for your ascending peace. Your prayer language will increase today; you will have a joy filled day where the spirit of happiness will be your constant companion and energy and creativity will exude from you. Today you will do great things, you will think positive thoughts and you will be blessed and be a blessing to all you encounter. Wisdom will flow from your lips and love will flow from your heart. Kindness, gentleness, patience and discernment you will wear like a beautiful well fitted garment, and at the end of your day, praise will be your salutation. See More


Whose in Charge?


I was awaken about 4am this morning, preaching with great intensity, decreeing and declaring, ministering deliverance with God’s anointed Word to a daughter whose Cup had become seemingly unbearable for her to embrace. Whew! God was taking no prisoners, he was exposing every hindering spirit,

  • for every crack in her cup, He put Courage in charge;
  • for every broken place, He put Boldness in charge;
  • for every hurting place, He put Healing in charge;
  • for every haunting defeating voice; He put Hope, Determination and Victory in charge;
  • for every shattered place, He put Strength to Recover in charge;
  • for every poverty spirit; He put the Spirit of Prosperity in charge;
  • for every self-loathing spirit; He put the Spirit of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in charge;
  • for every worrying spirit, He put the Spirit of Winged Peace in charge; and
  • for every the spirit of unforgiveness, He put Unfailing Love in charge.

All of these Angelic Authorities were assigned to this Sistah as the scripture says Psalm 91:11 “for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in ALL your ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, least thou dash thy foot against a stone. Don’t forget that an Angel has been assigned to your life. You should throw up both hands and give God a shout right there. He loves you just that much! See More


Listening To My Whole Heart


I just finished reading a post by Melvin Davis entitled: An Open Letter To My Future Wife.  It was so beautiful and profound.  We are kindred spirits in that we both write about love and moreover unconditional love a lot.  It blesses me to hear a man’s perspective.  As I read his letter, my heart started beating faster as the letter ended and this thought came to my mind immediately, “when is the last time you truly listened to your own whole heart?”  At first I was a little defensive, saying, of course I listen to you all the time, but then I had to quickly woman up and say, hmmm, it’s been a minute.  The reason I know this is that Melvin’s letter revealed to me some very deep, passionate and sincere longings of my heart that I had not listened to in I don’t know how long!  I was at once remorseful and then elated, for I know in the very core of my being that my heart tells me the truth about me.  My mind may try and justify or reason with me about it, but my heart is just straight up telling me — the truth! — you have been neglecting ME.  And Verlean, you know that’s easy for you to do because you are such a “people pleaser”  — You want everybody else to feel good about themselves before you even consider what your needs and desires are, and long before you consider taking care of yourself.  And even though I spent four years in the deepest, most reflective, healing and recovery desert wilderness, I still find that I have to be very carefrontive with my old patterns of neglecting my own vineyard and taking care of others before I take care of myself.  It’s Me, its Me, its ME, O Lord, standing in the need of Prayer, Peace, Joy, Loving and Understanding!  I need the intimacy, the passion, the tenderness, adventure and I need it NOW!  Okay, so my heart spilled the beans, and I had to agree with it and own up to my own part in denying my heart what it needs.  Curiously enough, it was NOT just physical intimacy I needed.  I needed the socio-emotional, creative intimacy and adventure that satisfied my thirst for living life in full color, spontaneously, aggressively and yes sometimes fearlessly.  As quiet as I can be sometimes, I thrive for the adventure in doing things in a big way that have never been done before.  Away with predictability, come with the unexpected and greet it head on.  Wow, you might think that a 59 plus and counting woman of God would settle for the predictable and safe path home, but no, my heart says, “go get it and bring it back!”  “Come on and let the good times roll, gonna be here until I soothe my Soul, if it takes all night long” (Sam Cooke version). That’s the cry of my heart!

Listening to My whole heart is something that I must remain committed to do.  Scripture says that out of the heart flows the issues of life.  And as much as I am thankful that being over 50, where you take the freedom and liberty to say what you want and what you don’t want, no matter who likes it or not, I think that you have to do more than just say it, you have to “live it”  out loud.  You have to own it.  You have to believe that you deserve it.  And you have to “become it”  Yes, you have to wait for no one to give it to you.  You have to possess it from a cellular level and refuse to deny yourself of it, wondering if anyone will give you permission to “be it.”  In a few weeks, I will walk down the isle and say “I Do” for the final time to a wonderful Man of God.  He represents some of the longings of my heart, and I am grateful for Him.  But I realized this morning that HE or no one else really can give me what I refuse to give myself, and that is the total freedom to “BE” intimately, passionately and creatively a woman who accepts that She is fearfully and wonderfully made and has a heart that is totally adventurous, full of love and compassion and open for life in 3d – Deeply, Decisively and Divinely!  Listening to my whole heart – I Am all that! and some……..and I have the key that unlocks the voice of my own heart, so that I can listen deeply! and BE.

Finishing Strong, Remaining ReSilient

Finishing Strong: It wasn’t because I had a great paying job, I didn’t. It wasn’t because I got a welfare or alimony check, I didn’t.  It wasn’t because I had a money tree in my backyard, I didn’t.  It wasn’t because I robbed a bank, I didn’t. I did however, do what I was gifted to do, I encouraged myself and others, they including family and friends encouraged me emotionally and financially. I started writing three new books, and produced one Spoken Word CD.  I posted Crystalized Thoughts, I wrote thoughtful “For Love Sakes” blogs, I coached writers, I edited books, I established SiSability Imprint. I prayed for the sick, for children, for businessmen and women, for ministries, for leaders. I hosted 156 radio broadcasts with over 30,000 listeners. I interviewed authors, artists and Christian leaders.  I preached eight spirited sermons. I travelled from the west to the east, from the south to the north. I celebrated 25 years in ministry. I changed diapers, wiped snotty noses, washed tons of dishes, slept on the couch many nights. I laughed, I cried, I sat in silence and pulled on the heart strings of God night and day.  I opened my heart again for love.  And I believed that I could “finish strong” and remain a “Resilient Woman” – God loving ME just that MUCH.

I Don’t Need Fixin, I Need Lovin

I don't need fixin

Am I the only one in the room when they asked who were the single women, at the Women’s Café, I couldn’t raise my hand.  I just couldn’t.  I said within, even though I don’t have a husband, I have had a husband for over 25 years, and I still feel like a “wife”  Really, I tell anyone who listens, “I Am not anointed to be SINGLE” and God is preparing my BOAZ for me as we speak.  One of my dear friends told me a few years ago, that If I wanted to be married again, I had to first become a “Wife” and at first it confused me, but today, yes this morning, I understood it all so clearly….  Jesus said it best, “As a woman thinketh, so is She”  And I  think, no I believe “I Am A Wife”   So when my BOAZ finds me, He won’t have to “fix me” – I come ready, mind, body and spirit, wisdom included to be His Wife.  I say it again, as Prophetess Tanya shared with us, “I don’t need fixin, I need lovin’.  I finally watched, Preachers of L.A. and one line that Loretta said that really blessed me was,”Loretta is happy being Loretta”  I have been sayin and affirming myself the pass few weeks sayin, “So Happy Being Me”  I don’t need a BOAZ to be happy.  But I believe I would be happier with the enduring LOVE of my Husband, Mr. Boaz.  Come on down!  John 3:27, no man receives anything except it comes from heaven.

Finish Strong

glow in my heart

There are seven more Sundays in this year, essentially seven more weeks in the year of 2013.  My heart and spirit is full of expectations of “finishing strong” in 2013, and starting the New Year 2014 with a greater resolve to walk in purpose and destiny, to glorify God in my life and to love more, deeper and share my gifts, skills, talent and time with more of God’s people. The last four years have been the most challenging times in my life par none.  They have also been the most revelatory. I have learned so much more about who God is in me, who I am in this world and (my identity) and although much of the discovery rendered me in tears more than in laughter, I can truly say, joy, unspeakable joy also emerged in the acceptance from a core level of my being the restorative love God has for me. As my pastor Apostle P. D. Mason reminded us, God has made us again “another” for when we were marred, we were also in God’s hand for the remaking, reshaping, redefining, renewing, refreshing, restoring – to come forth in the newness of being in Christ Jesus.  What Love! In our newness, we finish strong.  In our re-awakening, we finish strong.  In our re-leasing of what was, and embracing what is and will be, we finish strong.  In our forgiving ourselves and others, we finish strong.  In our unfolding and becoming, we finish strong.  In our trusting of the “I Am” in us, we finish strong.  In my heart and spirit, I truly desire to finish strong.  In my intent, the spirit of love; in my intensity, the spirit of increase and in my integrity, the spirit of truth, I will FINISH STRONG.  Join me as I blog, broadcast on internet radio(www.blogtalkradio.com/drvwithlove), finish my new book, “Finish Strong But Never Alone” and walk it out in Love, DrV.