TeaCup Theology 101

Psalm 31:14-16
The Voice (VOICE)
14 But I pour my trust into You, Eternal One.
I’m glad to say, “You are my God!”
15 I give the moments of my life over to You, Eternal One.

We often measure our life in years, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes. We set goals in these time slots, but I have surely come to the conclusion that “by the moments” I need God’s divine protection, His wisdom, His peace, His strength, His joy and most of all His LOVE. In one single moment, my life could take a turn for the better or the worse, in any case, my desire is that I am safe and secure in God’s Presence. I will never trust one moment of my life without His loving presence, it would be much too long of a wait and weight of responsibility of existence. In every moment of my life, I choose to TRUST God’s Presence, Provision, and Power. In Him I Live, Move and Have My Being, One moment at a time. a DrV TeaCup Theology Moment.

Steal Away

Looking unto Jesus

Today, I woke up in sucha state of being, it was a good sign that I really needed to pull away and hear from God for ME. I did and it was the most refreshing time I have had in a minute.  Before stealing away with Jesus front in center in my mind and spirit, I felt so scattered, hormonal, not really sure if I could make good decisions today, and I really needed to be assured that I had a good sense of my purpose and season.  The decisions I needed to make today were going to impact deeply my household, my ministry and ultimately my whole being.  I needed a “Sage Conversation with Mr. Wisdom Himself.”  I needed that hidden manna.  I needed peace about it all, too!   Jesus, knew how to steal away, for himself. I will do this more often, I find myself to be more centered and confident of my calling and election when I do — steal away — desiring to hear from ONLY GOD. He indeed is the Author and Finisher of My Faith. He is a great listening friend and He always knows what I stand in need of. Don’t you just LOVE HIM. I Do!

Listening to the Wind of Change

We don’t have upper room experiences everyday, but there are days where you don’t want to hear your own chatter, advice from well meaning friends, judgment from  your critics, and even the Sages are too much.  These are the days when you long for a loving whisper from God that tells you in a very deep and abiding way that “you are OKAY and everything is going to be OKAY….or maybe you just want to hear the Master say….”I Got YOU and THIS…..Just REST” and although these are things that your faith-filled heart should already know….you still long to hear them from the Voice that settles your inner spirit and floods you with a peace that passes all understanding.  Yes, God whispers in the wind and for me when he does – something inside of me changes.  It a change that makes me wanna “Holla Glory!”.  Its a change that allows sweet wet and warm tears to flow from my eyes and saturate my face in a gListening Cup Logoood way.  I always recognize when the wind has been used by God to send me a “love message”  – it is a wind of peace, a wind of courage, a wind that produces joy, and gets your soul ready for a great change.  I love listening to that kinda wind.  The wind that whispers…”I love you just that much”  It’s the wind that makes your cup happy.  I drink deeply.


Lip Service

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O’ Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14


I realized this morning that I repeatedly speak things over “my cup” (my life in God) that are simply not true.  I was speaking death over my cup.  I say things like, I am “sick and tired” – I am “broke, busted and disgusted” – I am “weak” – I’ve done all I can do – I am “less than”, etc.  You get it right?  I have not filled my mouth with the truth of His Word to the degree that nothing rolls off my lips but Words that edify me and others that I share them with.  I am going to filter my heart, because out of the abundance of my heart, my mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45)  And quite frankly, I am not pleased with what has been coming forth.  I am particularly concerned about things that I say I am going to do on any given day, and at the end of the day, those things are simply not done.  Hmmmm, I discovered that the “spirit of  procrastination” has some culprits behind it.  When I searched my heart deeper, I discovered that some things that could have been done were aborted by some underlying fears.  Oh yeah! fears lurk in the deep recesses of your own spirit, hiding in places that you dare not look, for if you looked, you will discover a pile up of pent up emotions that never wanted to see the light of day or truth.  These fears and emotions have attached themselves to a belief that if exposed they would destroy persona.


Okay, DrV, you have gone too far now!  Really, I haven’t gone far enough.  I want to get to the root of why my lips keep lying to me and to others, and most of all to God.  I want to be set free of any fears that bind me.  I want to speak life to myself and others.  I want to do what I say I am going to do, when and with excellence.  So I declare war on these fears of transparency.  But the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.  And that is exactly what we are dealing with here….strongholds.  Paul, in the scriptures said it best, “that that I would do, I do not” Romans 7:19.  Without the help of the Holy Spirit, I cannot be strengthen to speak and do what is right.  Herein, the Holy Spirit reveals, exposes, makes transparent the stronghold within me.  Shatters the illusion within.  Breaks every chain of bondage.  Sets me free to BE.  To Be who I say I am.  To do what I say I will do, without guilt, shame or apology, but rather to the Glory of God.  You who are reading this right now, please know that I write to comfort ME and YOU, even with unconditional love, I do this.  I “carefrontively expose my issues that are truly in my tissues” and I ask for help….not just any help, but the help of a loving father…God, the presence of the Holy Ghost to lead me and guide me to all truth about ME.  He knows, and He cares that I am whole, well, healed, free to be and to experience being “made new”  And so without naming all my fears….to you….but rather suggesting that you approach them within yourself and submit them to the Master who has all power to deliver you from them.  I believe that we will no longer be subject to mere “lip service” in our lives, but to the Glory of God, we will become the voices of triumph, we will be known as those who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, and moreover be known as those who speak, do and be acceptable unto the Lord.  Let the words of our mouths be so, Amen.

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Made Known For His Glory

Listening Cup Sign

John 17:26

I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known

in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.

Jesus  ended his prayer like this.  “that the Love wherewith You have Loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”  Jesus ended his prayer commending LOVE to us from God through Him.  He boldly declared in this prayer the LOVE that the FATHER had for Him, and He was gracious enough to desire that we experience this same LOVE.  What LOVE? but He not only prayed a perfect prayer, He entered into Gethsemane, and prayed more fervently,  being encouraged by an Angel, He put Faith to Work and proceeded on toward the Cross to die for that self same LOVE.    What Love?  How often have we prayed as such?  Father, open their eyes so they can see in ME your LOVE, Father, I want them to know and experience the LOVE that I feel from You in their own hearts.  Father, make your LOVE so evident in me that they would boldly say….God is LOVING ME through her.  Let the light of my inner being beam rays of love, let my words be cloaked in love, let my actions vibrate love, let my silence loudly declare love, let my listening ear resonate love, let me leadership personify love, let my praise be in the rhythm of love…..for your Glory Lord…..for your Honor Lord.

Would that our visibility, our reputation near and far, be only to demonstrate the love and even the power of God operating in our lives?  Would it be that when we are praised for our gifts, skills, talents, work, career, positions of power and influence, benevolences, acts of kindness, etc, that we quickly say….it is only the Love and Mercy of God that I Am able to Do and Be?  Dear Lord, might everyone who observes my life, witness and experience deeply your Love as they have seen it in ME, for in you I LIVE, In YOU I Move and In YOU, I have my BEING.


…the cup which My Father has given Me

….shall I not drink it?  John 18:11b


July is the seventh month of the American calendar.   Seven is the number of completeness and perfection/perfecting (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of all things.  God has done some amazing healing work in my heart this month and for that I am so very grateful.  While spending time with my daughter and grandkids here in Richmond, my thoughts would drift consistently to the ideal of moving back here.  Each time, I would say…”get thee behind me Satan” or no way, never gonna happen, I am so through with Richmond, done my time, I ain’t repeating the sentence.”  I was really struggling with the mere thought of it.  On my third day here this time, I got violently sick with a form of gastro intestinal illness complete with three days of diarrhea and inflammation so bad that my feet looked distorted.  Needless to say, I spent a lot of time praying and seeking God for healing.  Finally, on the third day, I got some relief, I couldn’t imagine that so much was in me, and the release was thorough, deep and cleansing, during which I also made an awesome decision concerning my return to Richmond.  When I look back on it, I had actually made the decision on the very first day of my illness.  I have been taught by my leadership that we are impacted naturally and spiritually when coming into alignment with God’s will.  Ah ha! I realize now that I was being “purged” and releasing all of the dead stuff, the negative thinking, the fear and doubt, shame and blame that I had coupled with leaving and now coming back to Richmond, a place where I sowed so much and a place where I lost so much, over the past 27 years.  WoW!  It was as if, after the third day and my body started acting normal again, I  had no struggle at all, in fact, it actually made perfect sense to me to return.  I heard God whisper, and I sent you out to bring you back for my Glory, much like Moses, much like Hagar! much like Noami, much like Ruth!  My God!  It has been all for PURPOSE, it has been for your PERFECTING, it has been for your COMPLETION, it has been for my GLORY, sayeth the Lord!  Who wouldn’t love a God like that?  Nobody has to tell you how painful purging and releasing can be, but they will also tell you that they are so glad it happened.  Emotional cleansing is a life-giving healing.  Things inside of you that block the flow of God using you for his glory, when and where he wants to use you, must be liquidfied, brought down to size and eliminated from the host.  Constipation is painful.  It is toxicity at its worse, and it must be dealt with decisively.  There is actually a mental disorder called encopresis, that often occurs in children where they have a fear of elimination.  I have had several on my caseload over the years.   Another possible cause of encopresis is a physical problem related to the intestine’s ability to move stool. The child also may develop encopresis because of fear or frustration related to toilet training. Stressful events in the child’s life, such as a family illness or the arrival of a new sibling, may contribute to the disorder. In some cases, the child simply refuses to use the toilet.  In giving this graphic, my intention is to show you how we can refuse to let go of our fears, sadness, mourning, pain, anger, and control to experience the unknown while obeying the voice of God.  I know, few of us, correlate disobedience with constipation, but both stink, right?!  Yes, and once we, let go and let God, he shows us our Purpose in doing so, and or at the least he directs us toward his will and way and we understand it better by and by!  He ultimately shows us His Love, moreover the Power of His Love to heal and restore, deliver and set free – it is indeed redemptive.

So what does all this have to do with the cup that My Father has given ME, – Everything!  Like Jesus, I know that moving back to Richmond was going to be sacrificial for me on so many fronts.  Even for those who welcome it, they will realize that I am not the same woman who left here in 2009 suddenly, that I have grown, I have spent time in the desert, I have survived the suggested suicidal remedies presented to me by the enemy of my soul in the wilderness of my experiences and have come through with a greater resolve to do the will of God. I have learned how to pray hard, to fight the good fight of faith, I have learned to speak my truth, without apology, I have learned to lean and depend on Jesus more….I have learned about the power of His resurrection in my life.   For those who might be bewildered regarding my return…get over it!…I will drink of this cup…..I am here to handle my Father’s Business, its my mission and characterizes the ministry of love He has given me, and I want to hear him say….well done.  It’s my cup, its full, its bitter at times, but it is also sweet to my soul.  The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: He maintains my lot.  Psalm 16:5

De-Pression, WoW! That’s Great

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TeaCup Theology: Yesterday, for a few hours a spirit of depression came over me, I recognized it immediately, spoke to it these words. I acknowledge who you are, I know what thoughts you have attached yourself too, give me a minute and I am going to treat this dis-ease by building a few new thoughts to abort you. I first seek the Kingdom of God in prayer and praise. The building tools I used for the new thoughts were from the Word of God, the Inspired Action teachings of Dr. Philip D. Mason and the Crystalized Thoughts I have received over the years. First of all depression, “Wow” that is so great that you came, I can learn from you what my subconscious is trying to bring to the surface that I need to work on”. Secondly, if you came to be more than a revealer, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Thirdly, I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Finally, God’s thoughts toward me are of PEACE and NOT evil, to give me a HOPE and a FUTURE. Since my steps are ordered by the Lord, I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, to the glory of God. God has prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies, he has anointed my head with oil and my cup runneth over. He has made the enemy stay and watch me be blessed. I am a woman of power, I am full of God’s Love, I am a woman of Passion, and I am a transformational teacher. I am a universal player, my assignment is to be LIGHT, LOVE and PEACE. I am aligned with the PURPOSE of my creation. Oh, wow, did I just see “de-pression” running down the street away from me and did I see that spirit being run over by a dump truck. Yes, we have to dump the trash, residue, garbage and waste from our spirits and breathe in the new energy of life, purpose, peace, joy and happiness. Depression can and will come, but you know how to treat it – Treat it with the Truth and it will flee – sometimes seven different ways. By prayer, praise, and preparation, I Am so over it and have moved on to “Energy Shopping” for my new home and career move. Glory to God.

Sat Down And Listen

Listen Deeply

Listen Deeply

As God placed Jesus at his right hand in heaven, so he has placed his people with him in heavenly places; i.e. places where the privileges of heaven are dispensed, where the air of heaven is breathed, where the fellowship and the enjoyment of heaven are known, where an elevation of spirit is experienced as if heaven were begun. (Pulpit Commentary)

On the Mount of Transfiguration, the three chosen Disciples had an elevated experience like none other. They were eye-witnesses to the glory of Christ as Moses and Elijah stood and talked with him. Peter, thought it wise to suggest building something spectacular in memorial to them, but a voice from the heavenlies instructed otherwise….”This is my Son, whom I Love; with Him I Am Well Pleased. Listen to Him!” Matthew 17:5. How often do we need to be reminded to “listen” – moreover to “listen to Him” – We have storms in our cups, societal ills assault us daily, our own carelessness drives us to the brink of hopelessness, we search for answers among the dead, but the living Christ, even the wisdom of the Holy Ghost is available to us. We are the beloved in Christ Jesus, and the Love of God will be made manifest as we “Listen” Listen Deeply today! It will ascend you to heavenly places in Christ Jesus, and calm the storms that rage in your cups.

a DrV selah!

Rise and Shine My Sistah

3 stack of loves

When I woke fully this morning, you were in my spirit. I thank God for your ascending peace. Your prayer language will increase today; you will have a joy filled day where the spirit of happiness will be your constant companion and energy and creativity will exude from you. Today you will do great things, you will think positive thoughts and you will be blessed and be a blessing to all you encounter. Wisdom will flow from your lips and love will flow from your heart. Kindness, gentleness, patience and discernment you will wear like a beautiful well fitted garment, and at the end of your day, praise will be your salutation. See More


Whose in Charge?


I was awaken about 4am this morning, preaching with great intensity, decreeing and declaring, ministering deliverance with God’s anointed Word to a daughter whose Cup had become seemingly unbearable for her to embrace. Whew! God was taking no prisoners, he was exposing every hindering spirit,

  • for every crack in her cup, He put Courage in charge;
  • for every broken place, He put Boldness in charge;
  • for every hurting place, He put Healing in charge;
  • for every haunting defeating voice; He put Hope, Determination and Victory in charge;
  • for every shattered place, He put Strength to Recover in charge;
  • for every poverty spirit; He put the Spirit of Prosperity in charge;
  • for every self-loathing spirit; He put the Spirit of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in charge;
  • for every worrying spirit, He put the Spirit of Winged Peace in charge; and
  • for every the spirit of unforgiveness, He put Unfailing Love in charge.

All of these Angelic Authorities were assigned to this Sistah as the scripture says Psalm 91:11 “for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in ALL your ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, least thou dash thy foot against a stone. Don’t forget that an Angel has been assigned to your life. You should throw up both hands and give God a shout right there. He loves you just that much! See More