Tag Archive | listening cup

Sat Down And Listen

Listen Deeply

Listen Deeply

As God placed Jesus at his right hand in heaven, so he has placed his people with him in heavenly places; i.e. places where the privileges of heaven are dispensed, where the air of heaven is breathed, where the fellowship and the enjoyment of heaven are known, where an elevation of spirit is experienced as if heaven were begun. (Pulpit Commentary)

On the Mount of Transfiguration, the three chosen Disciples had an elevated experience like none other. They were eye-witnesses to the glory of Christ as Moses and Elijah stood and talked with him. Peter, thought it wise to suggest building something spectacular in memorial to them, but a voice from the heavenlies instructed otherwise….”This is my Son, whom I Love; with Him I Am Well Pleased. Listen to Him!” Matthew 17:5. How often do we need to be reminded to “listen” – moreover to “listen to Him” – We have storms in our cups, societal ills assault us daily, our own carelessness drives us to the brink of hopelessness, we search for answers among the dead, but the living Christ, even the wisdom of the Holy Ghost is available to us. We are the beloved in Christ Jesus, and the Love of God will be made manifest as we “Listen” Listen Deeply today! It will ascend you to heavenly places in Christ Jesus, and calm the storms that rage in your cups.

a DrV selah!