Tag Archive | lip service

Lip Service

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O’ Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14


I realized this morning that I repeatedly speak things over “my cup” (my life in God) that are simply not true.  I was speaking death over my cup.  I say things like, I am “sick and tired” – I am “broke, busted and disgusted” – I am “weak” – I’ve done all I can do – I am “less than”, etc.  You get it right?  I have not filled my mouth with the truth of His Word to the degree that nothing rolls off my lips but Words that edify me and others that I share them with.  I am going to filter my heart, because out of the abundance of my heart, my mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45)  And quite frankly, I am not pleased with what has been coming forth.  I am particularly concerned about things that I say I am going to do on any given day, and at the end of the day, those things are simply not done.  Hmmmm, I discovered that the “spirit of  procrastination” has some culprits behind it.  When I searched my heart deeper, I discovered that some things that could have been done were aborted by some underlying fears.  Oh yeah! fears lurk in the deep recesses of your own spirit, hiding in places that you dare not look, for if you looked, you will discover a pile up of pent up emotions that never wanted to see the light of day or truth.  These fears and emotions have attached themselves to a belief that if exposed they would destroy persona.


Okay, DrV, you have gone too far now!  Really, I haven’t gone far enough.  I want to get to the root of why my lips keep lying to me and to others, and most of all to God.  I want to be set free of any fears that bind me.  I want to speak life to myself and others.  I want to do what I say I am going to do, when and with excellence.  So I declare war on these fears of transparency.  But the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.  And that is exactly what we are dealing with here….strongholds.  Paul, in the scriptures said it best, “that that I would do, I do not” Romans 7:19.  Without the help of the Holy Spirit, I cannot be strengthen to speak and do what is right.  Herein, the Holy Spirit reveals, exposes, makes transparent the stronghold within me.  Shatters the illusion within.  Breaks every chain of bondage.  Sets me free to BE.  To Be who I say I am.  To do what I say I will do, without guilt, shame or apology, but rather to the Glory of God.  You who are reading this right now, please know that I write to comfort ME and YOU, even with unconditional love, I do this.  I “carefrontively expose my issues that are truly in my tissues” and I ask for help….not just any help, but the help of a loving father…God, the presence of the Holy Ghost to lead me and guide me to all truth about ME.  He knows, and He cares that I am whole, well, healed, free to be and to experience being “made new”  And so without naming all my fears….to you….but rather suggesting that you approach them within yourself and submit them to the Master who has all power to deliver you from them.  I believe that we will no longer be subject to mere “lip service” in our lives, but to the Glory of God, we will become the voices of triumph, we will be known as those who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, and moreover be known as those who speak, do and be acceptable unto the Lord.  Let the words of our mouths be so, Amen.

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