Tag Archive | healing

Whose in Charge?


I was awaken about 4am this morning, preaching with great intensity, decreeing and declaring, ministering deliverance with God’s anointed Word to a daughter whose Cup had become seemingly unbearable for her to embrace. Whew! God was taking no prisoners, he was exposing every hindering spirit,

  • for every crack in her cup, He put Courage in charge;
  • for every broken place, He put Boldness in charge;
  • for every hurting place, He put Healing in charge;
  • for every haunting defeating voice; He put Hope, Determination and Victory in charge;
  • for every shattered place, He put Strength to Recover in charge;
  • for every poverty spirit; He put the Spirit of Prosperity in charge;
  • for every self-loathing spirit; He put the Spirit of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in charge;
  • for every worrying spirit, He put the Spirit of Winged Peace in charge; and
  • for every the spirit of unforgiveness, He put Unfailing Love in charge.

All of these Angelic Authorities were assigned to this Sistah as the scripture says Psalm 91:11 “for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in ALL your ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, least thou dash thy foot against a stone. Don’t forget that an Angel has been assigned to your life. You should throw up both hands and give God a shout right there. He loves you just that much! See More


The “inner sojourn” is a Trip!


I recently experienced a real “brain freeze or heart freeze” writing my latest book, “His Black Rose”  Mainly, because I heard the Lord say, “tell more” – What did you say Lord? He said…”Tell them All”  What?  “God, they will believe that I am reprobate if I tell them all.  They will never believe that I am Saved!”  God said, “trust me and be totally transparent” – just like I met the woman at the well, and told her everything she had ever done, and still gave her living water, and with that she left her broken cistern and went and told everybody who would listen – that after I had revealed “her to herself” I still gave to her “eternal life”  Tell them everything!”  Wow! this stopped me  in my tracks.  I couldn’t write for days.  I finally called my dear friend, Dr. Gail Hayes and told her what the Lord had said, and how it made me “drop the pen.”  Dr. Gail, being the carefrontive friend she is…said, “Girl, tell it!  Be transparent, that is the only way God can get the glory out of your life Verlean!  The church folks can act like they have always been saved and never done nothing, and aint’ doing nothing right now, and people will still set in the church and be bound for years.”  We both agreed on that point.  So with her encouragement, I started to think about what “ALL” would really mean for me.  Whew!  MUCH, memory madness, unspeakables, carelessness, hidden hurts!  (All this was in my “broken teacup.”)  Well with that being said, I guess God has been preparing me for this “revealing” all my life.  His Black Rose, must be authentic, it must reflect a real journey into the mind fields of my life and it must speak of the miraclelous grace and mercy, love and protection, healing and deliverances and most of all “forgiveness and peace” that God gave me and continues to give me as I sojourn down here on earth.

So, back to my topic, “the inner sojourn” is a trip!  I began to deal with a certain period of my life, say age 17 – 23, and it was too crazy.  Especially because every step I took, every move I made was a total result of the tragedy of my first years, say from age 10 -17.  Your past will really dictate your future if you are not aware of the “replay” moreover the “lingering residue”  The mindset that comes from abandonment, incest, self-loathing, emotional starvation, and spiritual aloafness is tragic to say the least.  You think you have not been in a war zone, yes you have and the post traumatic stress of growing up unprotected from the assaults of the enemy is fierce.  So having looked at those two periods and come face to face with still yet areas in my present life that remain impacted by those years started ‘tripping me out’  Oh, No God, you set me up, you had me to start writing this book, and telling me to reveal “ALL” so you could finish the work you started years ago.  This “inner sojourn” was to help ME face ME in 3d. More later…..I got to get me a drink…of Dr. Pepper before I continue.  I am still tripping on the way God is constantly mindful of our need to be transparent for “healing”.

For Love Sake,