Steal Away

Looking unto Jesus

Today, I woke up in sucha state of being, it was a good sign that I really needed to pull away and hear from God for ME. I did and it was the most refreshing time I have had in a minute.  Before stealing away with Jesus front in center in my mind and spirit, I felt so scattered, hormonal, not really sure if I could make good decisions today, and I really needed to be assured that I had a good sense of my purpose and season.  The decisions I needed to make today were going to impact deeply my household, my ministry and ultimately my whole being.  I needed a “Sage Conversation with Mr. Wisdom Himself.”  I needed that hidden manna.  I needed peace about it all, too!   Jesus, knew how to steal away, for himself. I will do this more often, I find myself to be more centered and confident of my calling and election when I do — steal away — desiring to hear from ONLY GOD. He indeed is the Author and Finisher of My Faith. He is a great listening friend and He always knows what I stand in need of. Don’t you just LOVE HIM. I Do!

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